Launch of the Muslim Family Law Hub

Alhamdulillāh, the Muslim Family Law Hub (the Hub) had its soft launch on 28 September 2024 at the Academia Library, Islamia College, Lansdowne. It was attended by select members of the ulama fraternity, legal profession, mental health care profession, non-profit sector and the media. The programme included an explanation by Fatima Essop of the origin story of the Hub, a young couple describing their challenges in navigating their Muslim marriage contract, a video of a Muslim woman describing her challenges in obtaining her Islamic divorce, and two legal practitioners, namely, Nasreen Bawa (SC) and Refqah Ho-Yee, who described some of the common challenges that arise in deceased estates governed by Islamic inheritance. The programme concluded with a closing du’ā, by the chairperson of the MJC, Shaykh Riad Fataar, who expressed happiness at the launch of the Muslim Family Law Hub and wished it success in all its endeavours.